Error installing nasm linux ffmpeg
Error installing nasm linux ffmpeg

# replace "python3.10" with the actual version you have # make Python find the Vapoursynth module # Cython for Python3. !!! Vapoursynth requires Cython >= 0.28 !!! Sudo apt-get install g++ make autoconf automake libtool pkg-config nasm git The following was tested on Ubuntu 22.04, 20.04 and 19.04 right after the clean installation. # if you want svpcast to be able to discover AppleTVs # AUR packages to install: rsound spirv-cross mpv-full # svpcode Pacman -S qt5-base qt5-declarative qt5-svg libmediainfo lsof vapoursynth Sudo apt-get install smplayer smplayer-themes smplayer-skins Mpv and Vapoursynth: build them on your own!ĭjcj's PPA is missing since 1, see building instructions below! # SMPlayer: Sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa # Ubuntu 18.04 have it in the "updates" repo SVPtube needs Python 3.8 # Python 3.8 - needed for SVPtube

error installing nasm linux ffmpeg

Sudo apt-get install libqt5concurrent5 libqt5svg5 libqt5qml5 ElementaryOS) - Qt5Concurrent, Qt5Svg, Qt5Qml packages are probably not installed by default Ubuntu >= 16.04 specific # Ubuntu 16.04+ and others (e.g. Ubuntu packages Common packages # mediainfo

  • (optional) VLC 3.0 or later (NOT a Snap version!).
  • error installing nasm linux ffmpeg error installing nasm linux ffmpeg

  • (optional) Recommended UI for mpv: SMPLayer.
  • (recommended) mpv 0.29 or later built with Vapoursynth support.
  • Properly installed video drivers including OpenCL ICD.
  • lsof command line tool (install it via your package manager).
  • mpv itself can act as a standalone video playerĭespite of the Linux distro in use you'll need to pre-install:.

  • Error installing nasm linux ffmpeg